By Prodyut Das

Exercises for Inner Thighs

Exercises for inner thighs: The adductor exercises exercises mentioned below will help you tone up and strengthen the muscles of your inner thigh and help to prevent injuries. The muscles of this area play an important role even for successful performance in sports for which the use of the lower extremities plays a fundamental role in the athletic effort.

Check out some great adductor exercises that will help you get slimmer and toned thighs.

Adductor Anatomy: the adductor brevis, adductor longus and adductor magnus make up the adductor group. This muscular group is a group of muscles of the hip that closes the hip at mid-level, some layers then flex it internally while others flex it externally. The primary function of the Adductor muscles is to adduct the legs.

10 Best inner thigh exercises

1-Ball Squeeze: inner thigh exercises

Sit in a chair, leaning slightly forward, arms at sides, feet flat on the floor. Place a medium-size ball between your legs above your knees, with just enough pressure to hold the ball in place. Squeeze the ball with your inner-thigh muscles. Then release just enough to hold the ball in place. Start with 10 squeezes; work up to 30.

2-Fitness band standing leg adduction: inner thigh exercises

The starting position of this exercise is with the fitness band attached to a door and to the left ankle. With the help of a chair and the weight over the right leg, the idea is to contract the inner thigh muscles, moving the left leg past the right one, until a contraction is felt, and then slowly return to the starting position. 20 repetitions for each leg will do the job and one more step to obtain thinner thighs will have been taken over.

3-Lying leg adduction: inner thigh exercises

This exercise, although very difficult, can be done with some effort. The starting position is lying on the right side where the upper body is supported by the right arm. Also, the right leg should be straight while at the same time the left leg should be bent. The movement consists in lifting the right leg until a contraction is felt on the inner thigh muscles. The movement should be repeated 20 times slowly for each leg.

4- Band Hip Abduction- Side Lying: inner thigh exercises

The hip abduction exercise performed with a resistance band around the ankle develops strength around the glute muscles. You will feel the exercise "burn" deep inside the hip muscles. The exercise can be performed with or without the resistance band. Adding the band places more demand on the muscles and triggers more strength development.

5- Lying on Back Straddle: exercises for inner thighs

Lie on your back, resting on your elbows and raise your feet in the air. Slowly open your legs. Stop once you get to the position with legs wide apart. Hold here for 1-2 seconds. Raise them back to the start position. Repeat 20 times.

6- Plie Squat: exercises for inner thighs

Stand with the legs wide apart and feet pointing outwards. Keep your knees straight. Lift your arms directly in front of your body, stopping when they are parallel to the floor. Stick your butt out and lower your hips toward the ground. Protect your knees--try to align your knees with your small toes as you lower your body. Stop when the backs of your legs are parallel to the ground. Push up through your heels to return to standing. Complete 20 repetitions.

7- STRETCH - Flat Straddle Stretch: exercises for inner thighs

Sit on the floor and open your legs as wide as you comfortably can. Bend forward carefully. If you need to support yourself with your hands, that's fine. Try to get as low as you can. Make sure you keep your back straight. Hold it for at least 20 seconds..Relax!

8-Side Lunges: exercises for inner thighs

Side lunges are very effective at working the hip abductors. With light weight, the movement is also a very good inner-thigh stretch. Side lunges force your inner thigh muscles to work against gravity as they lever your body up and back to the middle from a deep lunge.

9- Adductor Squat: exercises for inner thighs

Standing with the Swiss ball placed to the side of you, rest one leg onto the ball (rest on the inside of your ankle) keeping the leg straight, slowly bend your standing leg, keeping your knee in line with the toes, return to standing and repeat.

10- Wall Squat & Ball Squeeze: exercises for inner thighs

Wall squats challenge the inner thigh muscles and strengthen the adductor muscles. Squeezing thighs against a ball during a squat provides additional challenges for the adductor muscles. Press your head, shoulders and back against a wall. Adjust your feet until they are shoulder-width apart and walk them 6 inches in front of your body. Slide down the wall and lower your hips toward the ground. Stop when the back of your legs are parallel to the ground. Place the ball between your thighs. Squeeze your thighs against the ball and maintain the tension in your thighs. Hold for 45 seconds. Remove the ball and return to standing.

Further Reading

  • Exercises that work your Adductors (inner thigh).
  • Hip Adductor Stability.
  • Adductor Workouts. women-the nest
  • Watanabe K, Katayama K, Ishida K, Akima H. Electromyographic analysis of hip adductor muscles during incremental fatiguing pedaling exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2009 Aug;106(6):815-25.
  • Tyler TF, Nicholas SJ, Campbell RJ. The effectiveness of a preseason exercise program to prevent adductor muscle strains in professional ice hockey players. Am J Sports Med. 2002 Sep-Oct;30(5):680-3.

Lower Abs Workout Upper Abs Workout Oblique Workout

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